Saturday, April 3, 2010

Not A Fun Run

Today's run was the furthest of the year: 12 miles in 1:57:44. It took me about 4 miles to loosen up and start to feel good. The next 4 miles felt okay. The last 4 miles were tough. I battled negative thoughts
right from the start. Thoughts like: this doesn't feel too good, let's cut it short and it's really hot, there's no way we can do 11 miles. 11 miles was the goal for today, but lately I've been beating the mileage goal. It didn't help that the first half--6 miles--were all basically uphill. It also didn't help that I went out at 12:45. I think the temps were in the mid 70's, but it felt warmer.

I beat the excuses the same way I always do. I tell myself that the runs that are the most difficult to do are the ones that I gain the most benefit from. I've been dealing with allergies or a cold for the last week. I decided it was allergies so I wouldn't have an excuse not to run. This was the most physically difficult run of the comeback. Not only was it the longest, but the temps were not ideal which led to me feeling very thankful upon reaching my front door. If I could have gone further, it couldn't have been by much. This was not my typical enjoy the scenery and feeling type of run--this was a grind. The 13 mile mark is also where I've hurt myself in past training which caused me to shut it down. For now, I feel good. The feet feel better. I had to put vaseline on my toes before today's run due to their less than pleasant feeling over the last week.

I ran three days this week for a total of 26 miles. I don't plan on running tomorrow, but you never know.

Click the link below to see the stats and map of today's run.
Untitled by fkelly3d at Garmin Connect - Details: "Share"


  1. Good for you! It can be quite hellish at the best of times, never mind when temperatures are in the mid-70s. Even though it can be challenging during, I am sure you felt great after.....Sounds like you are well on track. Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Thanks for posting. It's great to know that I'm not the only one who is just miserable ar the start of a run.

    Thanks for hanging in there and thanks for sharing.
