Friday, August 6, 2010

Another Beginning

My insane summer is over.  If you remember, I entered an accelerated Master's program that devoured my life for the last 7 weeks.  Not one run was to be had.  I have a 2 week respite before classes begin again.  I'm hoping that these won't be as intense.  I set out yesterday afternoon with a belly full of Coke Zero and a Chipotle chicken burrito.  It was 108 degrees and the wind was blowing something fierce.  After 100 meters, I was breathing like I was giving birth.  It was one of those grind it out runs.  I managed 2 miles in exactly 20 minutes--I had to hurry at the end to get that time. 

Today, I set out with a belly full of Diet Coke and pizza.  The temperature was a much nicer 96 degrees, but the humidity was pretty high--no wind though.  After 200 meters, I was winded, but kept the pace up.  This one was also difficult, but didn't feel as hard as yesterday--possibly due to the lack of wind and heat.  Anyway, today was the same 2 mile course, but I finished it in exactly 19 minutes.  That's pretty weird to have back to back runs end on exact times like that.  I have no plans other than to try and increase distance.  I'm still planning on running the Old Pueblo 50 miler in March.  I'm going to try and catch up on reading your blogs too.    


  1. Welcome back! I was wondering if all was well with the foot etc. Running in hot weather is always challenging, but I am sure it will get better...

  2. Glad to have you back!!!! Sucks when life gets in the way of a workout.

    Keep us posted. It's always great to hear from you!
