Saturday, August 28, 2010

Getting Stronger

Today's run was the only one of the week.  My classes have begun and I'm not sure how many days a week I'll be able to fit runs into.  With this in mind, my goal is to do a speed workout during the middle of the week and a long run on the weekend.

I set out to the YMCA with a goal of 13 miles.  Everything was fine for the first four miles and then my left shin started acting up.  Shin splints are something I don't have much experience with.  After 5 miles, I stopped for a few seconds and stretched the legs.  I hit the 5 mile mark in 50:12.  I grabbed some powerade and a Powerbar gel and set off again.  At this point I was thinking that my new goal for this run was 15 miles.  There were no problems until mile 8.  The ball of my right foot suddenly felt like there was no cushioning between the bone and my shoe.  This feeling set off alarms in my head and I knew this run was in jeopardy if that feeling remained.  As in life, I'm a pretty patient person so I waited to see if the situation would work itself out and it did.  I finished the second 5 miles in 50:06.  At this point, I felt really good and knew I'd get that 15 miles done.  I consumed another gel and some water and started the last leg of the run.  I wanted this leg to be faster than the others, so I increased my pace.  I don't know if it was because I had initially stated that the goal for this run was 13 miles or because I increased the pace, but I was tired after 13 miles.  I kept going and got through the last 2 miles to clock the last 5 mile leg in 47:28. 

I know that I'm increasing mileage far too fast, so I plan on doing a cut-back run next weekend--maybe 10 to 12 miles.  There's something liberating about not being tied to a running schedule.  I used to have my daily runs planned out and I would try to stick to the schedule no matter how I felt.  Now, I just run when I can, and I pay attention to the messages my body gives me.  One thing I'm looking forward to is cooler weather.  I can't wait to hit the roads so I breathe fresher air and can look at something other than the Great-Grandmas that frequent the YMCA.   


  1. NIce work! It sounds as though you are doing great, and managing any unforeseen aches very wisely. You have a great pace, and these sound like quite a lot of miles for a long run with no others in between. Keep an eye on your feet, and hopefully some cooler weather is around the corner!

  2. Good job! How are you feeling now? Good?

  3. I'm fully recovered and have no problems at the moment. I'm looking forward to my next run--whenever that may be.
