Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feeling Good

Week 4 of the comeback was an unmitigated success.  I managed to increase the number of running days from three to four.  I increased my mileage to 18.  I ran two days in a row.  Most important was that I did not get hurt.  When the comeback began, I had stated that I would probably be out of the woods (injury wise) if I could make it through the first month.  My feet feel better than they have in months.  They are getting back to the 'normal' state where I don't fear that they are going to hurt during or after a run.  My legs didn't feel as heavy this week, and my cardio conditioning is on the rise.

My wife (not so gently) informed me that she was tired of reading about my feet and insert dilemmas, so I will put a moratorium on feet and inserts after this post.  I took back the NB inserts and had my Superfeets fitted with a metatarsal pad.  The owner of the Fleet Feet told me that I should wear the Superfeet inserts in all of my shoes, so I have been doing that.  Perhaps, the normalcy in my feet are due to the Superfeet inserts doing their job.  I have also been doing daily icing, ibuprofen, stretching, and added a daily calcium-magnesium supplement.  The routine is working, so I'll stick with it. 

Next Sunday is my next 5k race.  I'm not sure how to approach this one.  I would like to keep increasing my base mileage, but if I do, then my legs will probably feel tired for the race.  I need to figure out where this race sits on my overall priority list.  I should add in some speedwork if I want to do well.  If I do that, then my mileage will not increase.  I definitely did not like the feeling I had in the last 5k race--grinding out a race is no fun.      


  1. Great progress!
    Running in races such as your upcoming 5k should help you get faster. I typically run faster in a race then out on my own.

    What I like to do is run the 5k race then cool down with a mile or two. This way, I've run 3.2 miles at a faster pace, followed by 2 miles slow and I'm getting in a good amount of mileage.
    Just a suggestion.

  2. Thanksfor the advice, Jill. I don't know why that didn't occur to me. That's what I'll do.
