Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Official Results And Plans For Comeback Week #4

I received the official results for the 5k race I did on Saturday.  I finished in a time of 24:49.  I was 13th overall and placed 3rd in my age group.  I was out-kicked (I had no kick) by a 10 year old boy, and a 66 year old guy.  I'll be gunning for them next year.  My heels felt a little sore the day after, but are okay today. 

It turns out that in addition to the 4mm heel spur, I also have small bilateral spurs.  I have yet to figure out a concrete training plan for the comeback.  This is the beginning of week 4.  So far, I've been playing it by ear.....or foot--ha ha ha.  Based on last week's sluggishness and pain due to the increase to 5 and 6 miles on Tuesday and Thursday respectively, I think I'll cut the daily mileage to 3-4 miles per day, but will try to add a fourth day to the week.  I have two weeks until my next 5k race where I hope for better results.  At this point, two weeks away seems like an eternity especially with all the health variables that are still up in the air.

I want to also congratulate my wife for completing the 1 mile walk (her first), which was held simultaneous to the 5k.  As a beginner, she was really feeling the soreness in her legs later in the day and into the night.  Let's hope she sticks with it so I can run behind her and enjoy the view :~)   


  1. Sounds like you are going from strength to strength with the feet issues! Great, you have another runner in your family. Have you considered doing a race together in the future?

  2. My wife is a total beginner right now. The jury is still out on whether she even wants to run. She is currently a walker who may one day mix in some jogging in a 5k. I'm sure she could do it if she wanted to, but not everyone feels the love for running like we do.
