Saturday, January 9, 2010

Great Success (said using best Borat voice)

Well, not being able to bear another night like the one before, I took my RLS pill.  I went to bed at 2 am and didn't wake up (other than at 7:30 to yell at my kids to be quiet) until noon.  I feel awesome, incredible, like I could carry the world on my shoulders--you get the picture.  Thank you all for your well wishes.  They must have gone priority mail straight to the sleep fairies ears.  The only side affects I am still having from the steroid pills are my itchy achille's heels.  It's really weird that both would be red and itchy in the exact same places. 

I don't know if I properly stated why I was taking the steroids, so I'll do it now.  The bursa sac at the bottom of my left heel had flattened out making it feel like there was no cushioning between my heel and the nerves in the foot.  Basically the bursa sac is like a balloon filled with water.  You can push on it and, depending on how much force is applied, the water in the balloon will be outwardly displaced causing the latex balloon to stretch.  A healthy bursa sac absorbs the forces and then resumes it's proper shape.  Apparently mine has flattened out and stayed there.  The steroids are supposed to make the sac resume its proper shape, so it can get back to work and I can get back on the road.  I will finish the steroid treatment on Tuesday, and re-evaluate where I'm at on Wednesday.  So far, the heel feels good.  All indications are go for Comeback 1.1 next week.

RLS is difficult to understand if you haven't experienced it, which is why I was glad to see something on Discovery Health, or another of the health channels, that showed a sleep lab just like the one that Rachael described in the comment section of my last post.  I thought about going down to a lab, but didn't think I would get any sleep.  I'm so sensitive to changes in my sleep conditions that something as simple as a haircut will cause me to lose a night of sleep until I adjust.  I sound like a freak, but I really notice the difference in the way my head feels against the pillow after a haircut.  If someone changes the position of my pillow--look out--or even worse if I have to buy a new pillow--I know I'm in for a hard day's night.

I'm looking forward to being able to report on some actual running, but still trying to be wise and patient about it.


1 comment:

  1. Now that was terrific advice! I went out this morning, and tried to think about how enthusiastic I had been not too long ago, the good feelings, and above all, the good fortune of being able to go out and run. Thank you for reminding me!
    It sounds as though you are making some progress with your's true though, after a good night's sleep, life can be really good! Sounds like you are going to try out different things until you find the right combination. By the way, Stuart did sleep with a boot (it's not really a boot though, it's a crepey- kind- of -plaster of paris affair, it seems to have helped, and the massages he was getting (about twice a week)....
