Thursday, January 21, 2010

I finished

All day yesterday, my back was sore, but loosened up today.  I've never had back issues, so I wasn't really concerned about it.  The great concern was how my stomach felt today.  I felt like I was on the verge of vomiting from the time I got up to a half hour before I ran.  In addition to that feeling, I had a wicked (channeling my inner Boston) case of acid reflux.  This wonky feeling could be attributed to my only getting 4 hours of sleep last night--watched the movie "500 Days of Summer" and loved it.  Three of my five kids have been sick with a stomach thing in the last few days, so in addition to their undying love, they may have also given me their virus.  I don't know and don't care at this point.

The weather in Tucson, like the rest of the country, is not really ideal right now.  The temps were nice--60's, but the wind was a steady 30mph with gusts up to 50mph.  I forced myself out figuring that I would stay close to home in case I couldn't physically run.  I set out through the neighborhood and didn't notice the wind for the first mile and a half.  That's when I turned around to return home.  The wind smacked me in the face.  I dealt with it okay.  After 100 yards or so, the wind really picked up and threw dirt into my mouth and eyes.  It blew so hard that for a while I was leaning forward and pumping my arms like Usain Bolt, but wasn't going anywhere.  It must have looked hilarious from the viewpoint of the cars that were driving by on the road.  This was one of those runs that don't feel good, but down the road, you're glad you persevered.

One thing I think I forgot to mention about my new shoes are the laces.  They come with shoe laces that have some kind of special name like Sure Lock or something like that.  Anyway, they are designed so that they don't come loose, and man oh man do they work as advertised.  I'm still not sure about the NB insert.  I used some Body Glide on the arch where the shoe rubbed last time, but still felt the rubbing throughout today's run.  When I finished running, I noticed that my left arch didn't feel good.  I can't describe it, but I'm wondering if the insert needs to be trimmed or is simply too thick for my shoe.  Rachael from gave me some good advice about the inserts.  Thank you Rachael.  If you're on my blog and haven't been to hers, what are you doing?  Her blog is far more interesting than mine.

Today's run was 3.26 miles done in 27:01.  It felt bad, but I can already feel my cardio conditioning coming back.  There wasn't the same kind of huffing and puffing as the last run even though today's was much more difficult.  My stomach still doesn't feel good so I'm going to go now.     


  1. Good run! Stomache issues do seem to take their time in getting sorted out, but hopefully the worse is over? Sounds like you are making good progress with your feet too.
    Running into the wind here can be mind and body numbing! It takes one's breath away, and I guess it can look a bit funny to onlookers, but it's always great to finish on such a high.

  2. Great run! I've seen those surelock laces and was curious how well they worked.
